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Thursday, 12. December 2002
Google Partner sites

Google's Recipes
Type any ingredients like rice, wheat and find what you can do with it!

Google's Magic Answer
This magical machine can correctly answer any multiple-choice question you throw its way. Give it a whirl.

I asked,
who is the Chief Minister of Maharashtra?
And I typed 4 answers..
Manohar Joshi
Sharad Pawar
Vilasrao Deshmukh
Pramod Mahajan

When I clicked on Ask The Oracle, I got the answer Vilasrao Deshmukh.
Use this site to get fresh contents from google!

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New Stuff at Google Labs

It seems that Google labs have released two new technology experiments on December 10, 2002.

Google Webquotes: An interesting approach building on PageRank. While showing the results of your search, information about the pages you receive as results are shown as quotes from other pages. Essentially like a word-based PageRank. Very very cool.

Google Viewer: The pages from your search result list are scrolled through automatically like in a slide show. I found it a little weird. But one might use it for very open searches and for relaxed browsing.

Google Zeitgeist: 2002 Year-End Zeitgeist offers a unique perspective on the year's major events and hottest trends based on more than 55 billion searches conducted over the past year by Google users from around the world.

Google Froogle: Froogle is a new service from Google that makes it easy to find information about products for sale online.

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Monday, 9. December 2002
The future of the World Wide Web

In the words of Tim Berners-Lee, the "father" of the World Wide Web, from his book entitled "Weaving the Web":

"Buying books from and stocks from E-trade is not all there is to the Web. Neither is the Web some idealised space where we must remove our shoes, eat only fallen fruit, and eschew commercialism."

What are your thoughts on the WWW of the future - should most commercialism be stamped out and it be left to pure research and online services relating to government, banking and bill paying etc?

What I think...
You can't stop commercialism. It's an important part of any human activity. Pure Research will definitely get a boost as so much information is available on the click of a mouse. Online services relating to government are in it's own interest as the net help it to reduce the cost and increase efficiency. Banking and bill paying? Where else can it be done?

That's only a partial list. Where will the kids learn? Where do I play games? Where will I find recipes for my cooking? Who does remind me of my important meetings?

Net is beginning to become a way of life. Keep watching..

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Word Tips

You can use AutoText to store text or graphics you plan to reuse, such as product names, boilerplate text, a company logo, or a formatted table. When you're ready to retrieve an item, select from a list of AutoText entries.
Word includes built-in AutoText entries (such as salutations and closings) that are available when you create letters. To create your own autotext entry select the text you want to reuse and choose Shift + F3. To retrieve the entry, type a few words and hit the F3 key.
To make your life easier, add the autotext entries to your toolbar. Right Click on any toolbar and choose customize. Choose Autotext on Commands tab. Click and drag the autotext entries to the toolbar for easy access.
Please remember that it's not an alternative to templates! If you send same type of letter, save it as a template by choosing File - Save as (File type - Template). Using this method you will find the letter very easily by going to File - New and choosing the right template.

Get Easy Access to Documents You Use Often

You can use the Work menu to keep an easily accessible list of your favorite Word files.

To add the Work menu to the menu bar or a toolbar:
1. On the Tools menu, click Customize, and then click the Commands tab.
2. In the Categories box, click Built-in Menus.
3. Click Work in the Commands box and drag it to the menu bar or displayed toolbar.

With the Work menu in place, you can add any open Word document to your list. Here are the options:

To add the current document to the Work menu, on the Work menu, click Add to Work Menu.
To open a document on the Work menu, on the Work menu, click the document you want to open.
To remove a document from the Work menu:
Press CTRL+ALT+- (dash key). Your cursor will look like a large, bold underscore.
On the Work menu, click the document you want to remove.

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Rebuilding Rwanda

Interview in Economic Times (December 09, 2002)

Rwanda was a bleeding wound in the heart of Africa in 1994. Around 8 lakh people were killed in the space of 100 days in one of the worst genocides the world had witnessed. From those dark days of 1994, Rwanda has come a long way. Today, under a broad national unity government, the country is looking at stability and democracy. Its GDP is growing at 6%. Rwanda is looking to India to help develop the information technology sector in this largely agrarian economy. President Paul Kagame of Rwanda talks to Prasenjit Bhattacharya, about how Rwanda is slowly trying to rebuild itself and what role India can play.

What has been the objective of your visit to India?
I had two invitations from India. One from the Vellore Institute of Technology, where a number of Rwandan students are studying, and another from Lucknow, where I have been invited to deliver the keynote address to a gathering of chief justices from around the world. I also took this opportunity to meet with the prime minister and foreign minister of India and discuss the bilateral relationship between the two countries, especially in the areas of health education and training. I feel that India can play an important role in the development of Africa as a whole and the development of Rwanda too hinges on the development of the African continent.

During your visit to India, information technology was a key area of focus and you also visited the Infosys and Wipro campuses. Tell us more about it.
We are now keenly focusing on HR development in our country. And one major area has to do with IT and communications. With the help of the UN-aided Economic Commission of Africa, we are drawing a broad plan for the information, communication and telecom (ICT) development of Rwanda. We are taking ICT development as a priority area. And we are looking towards India for help in developing our IT sector. We want to continue training Rwandan students in Indian technology institutes and attract Indian businessmen who want to invest in Rwanda in the field of IT.
My visit to Infosys and Wipro was in this connection. Rwanda also has just opened an institute of technology, the Kigari Institute of Science and Technology. We are eager for professionals like teachers to come and teach technology in Rwanda. And in fact, there are already Indian teachers in Rwanda.

What is the current political climate in Rwanda?
After the genocide in 1994, where so many people were killed, a national unity government has been in place in Rwanda. It has been a transitional phase for Rwandan politics. Stability and peace has returned to Rwanda and we are now among the more stable countries in Central Africa. Our country is going in for general elections next year to elect the President and Parliament. We are also putting a new constitution in place. Within the next three to five years, we would be looking at our democratisation efforts bearing fruit and a stable Rwanda emerging.

What caused the terrible genocide in Rwanda and what lessons have been learnt from it?
The genocide wasn't an accident. It came from our history and the direction that history took. However, since 1994, we have been making people think about why the genocide took place and we have been trying to identify what went wrong. We cannot accept diversity as a source of genocide and hatred anymore, rather it should be a source of strength. We have set up committees of national reconciliation and human rights. And these are trying to address the historical problem and find remedies.

Globally, and in India, diversity in the population has become a major source of strife. What are your observations in the Rwanda context?
The basic lesson from the genocide is to accept diversity as the reality and move ahead. And one has to talk about problems openly and see what you can do in a fair manner. No problem can be solved by sweeping uncomfortable questions under the carpet. Debate is important to find out if the problems arising out of diversity are real or imaginary.

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Sunday, 8. December 2002

I will really want my readers to notify when my site contents change.
There is such facility available for the and Bloglet is a service that allows your readers to subscribe to your site via email. Once your readers sign up, they will receive a daily email with a summary of your posts from that day. Anyone interested in keeping their readers coming back to their blog should use Bloglet. A daily email of updates reminds your readers that your blog is still going strong and is worthy of a visit.

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Saturday, 7. December 2002
Word Shortcut keys

When you are working with bullets and numbers here are a few shortcut keys you should remember..
Ctrl + Alt + l - Next list item in the text
Shift + Enter - Line Break
Shift + Ctrl + e - Next list item
Ctrl + m - increase Indent
Shift + Ctrl + m - Decrease Indent

To add an entry to auto text simply select the text and use Alt + F3 key combination. To insert from auto text, type the first few words and then hit enter to accept the suggestion or hit the F3 key.

To find a word in a document use Ctrl + F to bring up the find dialog box. Once you find the first entry, use ESC to get rid of the box and use Shift + F4 to Repeat Find.

Shift-F5: Jump to the last change you made in the document.

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Friday, 29. November 2002
quick chess
There are a number of chess softwares which you can download.
I have tried playing chess online as well.
But how about integrating the chess applet into your own website?
Follow the simple instructions and you can allow your visitors to play chess onine!

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Bulletin Board

I have tested some of bulletin board services. Here is the final result.

Remotely hosted (Free Service) ($45 for 6 months) ($21 per month) (free) (free)

installation required (Free) (Free) (Free guestbook) ($85 per year) (free)

If your company has IT Department that includes programmers, look into the "installation required" section. You will need a server with PHP and MySQL. You should also know how to install and configure the package.

"Remotely hosted" means the discussions will be hosted by the third party (for e.g. your mail is hosted on Yahoo!). The question of reliability is important here. If the server shuts down, you will loose all your discussions archives. You can see a working demo here..

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Sunday, 24. November 2002
Imperfection to some extent is desirable

Everyone of us try to be perfect. We try to make it sure that there is no mistake whatever we do. We make safe investment. Whenever we need to spend money we ask, am I getting the value for it?
All this is perfectly human. But at the same time we should also learn to be paranoid. We must do the things which we are not sure will give us good returns. We must not hesitate to experiment. We must convince ourselves there is no harm in taking moderate risks. The progress is not possible without the people who think differently. Here's why...

  • Without the help of Venture Capital funding, Technological development was not possible.
  • Once a rich man forgot to take cash with him when he threw party in a hotel. His friends had to pay for him. He convinced his bank to come out with a concept called Credit card.
  • Many great innovations were initiated by an accident.
All these evidences show that imperfection is not something we should hate. It's desirable to some extent.

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