Thanks to
Monday, 17. February 2003

Internet Explorer 5.0 introduced a feature called AutoComplete. AutoComplete helps users to fill our forms by providing a pick list of previously entered values for similar form names. The Autocomplete feature can be disabled by using the "off" attribute as demonstrated below:
INPUT TYPE= "text" NAME= "uname" AUTOCOMPLETE= "off" >
To take advantage of the Autocomplete functions, make sure that you set the NAME attribute of your form text fields to similar names to those used widely on forms, such as firstname, lastname, address, etc.

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Sunday, 16. February 2003
Creating a Game Icon on the desktop

Will you like to access your favorite flasharcade game from your desktop?

  1. Copy and paste the following code in Notepad.
  2. Choose "save as" from File menu.
  3. Save it as "arcade.hta" (including the quotes). .hta is nothing but HTML Application file.
  4. Save it on desktop.
function fullscreen(url) {
w = screen.availWidth-10;
h = screen.availHeight-20;
features = "width="+w+",height="+h+",left=0,top=0,screenX=0,screenY=0";, "", features);
function closeThis(){


body onLoad="fullscreen(''); closeThis();">

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Sunday, 9. February 2003
Boot Trouble

Q. How do I avoid typing password every time I start my computer?
A. If you are not connected to LAN, you can get rid of it to save time.
1. Right Click on "Network Neighborhood" and choose Properties.
2. On the Configuration tab, Choose "Windows Login" as your "Primary Network Login."
3. Start - Find - Files
4. In the name field, type "*.pwl" (sans quotes) and click "Find Now."
5. Delete all the PWL files you see listed.
6. Restart

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Deleting Temp files

Option 1:
1. Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup.
2. Select the disk to clean up and choose OK.

Option 2:
1. Right click on C: in the "My Computer" window.
2. Choose "Properties" and then "Tools" Tab.
3. Click on "Check Now.." to start Error Checking.
4. You can also click on "Defragment Now.." to free some space.

Option 3:
1. First, close ALL open programs.
2. Click on your start button, then go to find, then files or folders.
3. type *.tmp,*.chk,~*.*
4. Hit ctrl+a to select them all, then hit your delete key.
5. Still inside the "Find All Files" box, go to the File menu and click on "Save Search".
(This will put an icon on your desktop that you can click on any time you want to delete temps again!)

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Tuesday, 4. February 2003
PHP Print Magic

PHP Print Magic
You can save the HTML tags and text in a variable like this..
$text1 = "this is text";
print $text1;

But if you want to save multiple lines, use the following code.

$text = <<

The "<<<" convention can also be used to assign blocks to print.
The word END can be replaced by any other letter.

print (three <<<)A
This uses the "here document2" syntax to output
multiple lines with $text interpolation. Note
that the here document terminator must appear on a
line with just a semicolon no extra whitespace!

print (three <<<)A should have no white space before or after A otherwise you will get an error.

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Saturday, 1. February 2003
What is RSS?

Since the last couple of months I have become an avid fan of RSS.
No, No I am not talking about Sangh Parivar or Bhartiya Janata Party (Or India's political future for that matter!)
It's Rich Site Summary.
Here is how RSS will help you.

  • I update my site almost every week.
  • Many of you visit my site once a while But do not have an idea what exactly has changed since you last visited.
  • Once you download the software called "RSS Reader" you will automatically get the "recently added" webpages in your Inbox.
  • If you have used outlook e-mail, you do already know how to use the software. It looks exactly the same way. The only difference is that you don't receive e-mails, you receive news.
  • The websites should broadcast the news in a special language called "RSS feed". My RSS feed is located at
  • Once you download the software, add the location of the RSS feed. (for e.g. if you want my updates to reach you!
  • Almost all websites (including the news websites like bbc) have rss links. You will have to find out and add it to your software.
  • It's one time job. Now relax, read the latest news and save a lot of time and Clicks!
Download: (Recommended)

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Word Shortcuts

Want to force Word to display a number that's one higher than the real page number? Try using the following field, where braces are inserted using Ctrl/F9:
{ = { PAGE } + 1 }

Want to tell Word to display a page number on pages one, two, and three, but not on any other pages?
{ IF { PAGE } < 4 "{ PAGE }" "" }
Note! Make sure to leave spaces around the < sign.

Want to tell Word to put the real page number on pages one, two, and three, but a higher-by-one page number on all other pages?
{ IF { PAGE } < 4 "{ PAGE }" "{ = { PAGE } + 1 }" }

Want Word to insert Continued... on every page except the final page, where you want it to display - End - instead? Use this:
{IF { PAGE } < { NUMPAGES } "Continued..." "- End -" }

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Thursday, 30. January 2003
PHP Magic

Q. The two tagas <?php and ?> will process the code and send the output to the browser. But what if you need to process the code within PHP?
A. output buffering will come handy for the purpose.
* ob_start("callback"); will store the instructions within the function callback.
* And the callback function will look for the word "apples" within the file testing1.htm and chage it to "oranges".
* ob_end_flush(); will push the new contents to the browser.

function callback($buffer) {
return (ereg_replace("apples", "oranges", $buffer));
include "testing1.htm";

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Monday, 27. January 2003
Being Indian - On a different note

Someone sent this link to me today...
You may be an INDIAN if...

You are really an Indian if you have really enjoyed reading this.

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What is SQL?

I think we can now move on and learn the next BIG thing in the world of Database, called SQL. Structured Query Language is the heart of database.
Unlike excel, it's "multi user" and "relational". Excel sheets and files can not be easily used by more than one person. Exchanging data is really a pain in the neck. Again, its not a relational database. You can link a cell from one sheet to another, but there are a lot of problems you may have to face in the process. You can not add "If.. then" type of logical arguments. SQL database is designed to be a "relational" database where you can easily join or link different tables with one another.
Please do not think that it's unnecessary to learn SQL at this time. If you start learning it now, six months down the line you will be glad that you did!

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