Thanks to
Sunday, 13. April 2003
Insert filename in a Excel cell

The following formulas will include the filename, filepath and name in a cell in your workbook.
The application.volatile means that is will calculate everytime, just like a normal formula.
This way your filename will always be up-to-date.

Public Function ASAPFullFileName() As String
'i.e. [c:\test\file.xls]
ASAPFullFileName = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
End Function

Public Function ASAPFileName() As String
'i.e. [file.xls]
ASAPFileName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
End Function

Public Function ASAPFilePath() As String
'i.e. [c:\test]
ASAPFilePath = ActiveWorkbook.path
End Function

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One more JavaScript tip

Well, here's a cool tip to disable the ability to select text on a page.
Just replace your opening tag with this line:
(BODY onselectstart="return false")
Then check out your page. You will see that you can't drag across the text to highlight it.
This will help you if you don't want the users to copy the text from your website.

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Friday, 11. April 2003
What is piracy?

I think we have to define piracy, and I believe piracy to be the theft of intellectual property for commercial gain, at least in this regard. If you made a copy and gave it to your friend, why don't you give the original to your friend and keep the copy? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that whatsoever. If you buy a DVD, you are able to give it, sell it, rent it, do whatever you want with your property, are you not? The same thing would apply here. I wouldn't go along with the definition that piracy is making a copy of a movie and letting your friend watch it. That's not something that's going to impact Hollywood's revenue streams. We're talking about piracy, which is what the MPAA is claiming, that this product is being used for widespread piracy reasons. That's a completely false statement with no credible shred of proof.
- 321 Studios CEO Robert Moore

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Thursday, 10. April 2003
register globals in PHP

Create a file with the following code in it.

phpinfo ();

Save it on your server and access it through a browser.
On my server it says..

PHP Core

Directive Local Value Master Value
register_globals On On

Master value is the value set in php.ini.
Local value is a setting set with something else, a .htaccess file for example. You can create an .htaccess file with one of the following line in it...

php_flag register_globals on
php_value register_globals 1

Now next time you can access variable just by printing it to the browser..

print $username;

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Friday, 4. April 2003
Better Form submission

To add a helpful function to your form, you can include a contact email form that would submit an email to Manager with a subject line that starts with "Product Questions."
This would allow Manager to create rules in Outlook to easily sort emails having to do with Gnomedex.
The form posts to itself rather than a separate ACTION page.
This allows for elegant error handling.
For example, if you enter a question but LEAVE OUT your email address and submit it. You'll see an error, but if you look at the form,
you can see that your text is still there.
It didn't vanish when the missing data produced an error.
Obviously, the form is requesting a subject line, so I needed to prepend "Gnomedex Questions" to that string.
Here's the snippet of PHP code that allowed me to do that:


// Set the from address from the form
$fromaddr = "From: ".trim($emailaddr)."\n";

// Set the to address
$toaddr = "";

// Prepend Product Questions to the submitted subject value
$msgsubject = "Product Questions: " .stripslashes(trim($mysubject));

// Append the user's IP address to the message
$msgbody = stripslashes(trim($mymessage))."\n\nIP: ".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];

// Send the email
mail($toaddr, $msgsubject, $msgbody, $fromaddr);


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Sunday, 30. March 2003
How do I know about latest websites?

You can visit the page...
Subscribe for the Daily or Weekly email deliveries while you are at it.

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Saturday, 8. March 2003
Advantages of Quickbase

  • Reduce your administrative workload as much as 80 percent.
  • Your entire team operates more efficiently from having round-the-clock, real-time access to a central source of account information.
  • Secure access from any location.
  • Faster analysis of the data collected.

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Tuesday, 4. March 2003
Excel tips


  • Ctrl + ~ Displaying formulas and values
  • Shift + Ctrl + ~ General Format
  • Ctrl + D fill Down one cell
  • Ctrl + Enter Fill Down selection
  • Alt + Enter Line break
  • Ctrl + Shift + * Select the current region
  • Ctrl + Shift + Enter Enter an array formula
  • F4 Repeat
Options you can change:
  • Tools - Options - Calculation - Precision as displayed
  • Tools - Options - Calculation - Iteration
  • Tools - Options - General - Standard Font and size
  • Tools - Options - View - Gridlines
  • To enter text in formulas, enclose the characters in double quotation marks ="total for" & 1994 or (a1) would display the text "Total for 1994".
  • Hold down shift while dragging to insert. Hold down shift and control while dragging to insert and copy.
  • To change the reference Hit F4 within the formula to change the reference from Relative Reference, Absolute Reference, Mixed reference.

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Sunday, 23. February 2003
Antville Bookmarklet

Here is the bookmarklet that provide an interface for posting from "anywhere" into the story editor.
javascript:blog='oksoft';str='';if(top.frames.length==0)str=document.selection.createRange().text;void(location.href='http://'+escape(blog)+''+escape('&lt;a href="'+escape(location.href)+'"&gt;')+escape(document.title)+escape('&lt;/a&gt; ')+escape(str));
hence this could be a simple version of the desired antville bookmarklet...

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Monday, 17. February 2003
Google bloggle?

Google has bought Pyra Labs. Pyra Labs is the creator of the Blogger software and runs the and services. In weblog fashion, founder Evan Williams reported the news on his weblog in the middle of the Live from the Blogosphere event.
This is one of the coolest things to happen internetwise in a long time.

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