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Sunday, 30. May 2004

Get Firefox

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Friday, 28. May 2004
Accumo Classifier

In today's knowledge-based economy, having information that others don't have, or simply having it faster, will give you a definite edge over your competitors.
For e.g. the google search result you need isn't always the first or the second one. Rather than looking through search results one by one, Accumo Classifier saves you time by organizing search results into categories. The titles of the categories allow you to tell at a glance which results are relevant, and which ones aren't. Not only do you save time, but you reduce the chance of missing important information as well.

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Thursday, 27. May 2004
Messenger Annoyances

You must have noticed that whenever you sign in to your Yahoo or MSN Messenger, you see a pop up advertisement window. You can get rid of it.
1. For Yahoo Messenger users: Choose Preferences from Login. Deselect the check box next to "Show Yahoo! Insider when I login.
2. For MSN Messenger users: Choose Options from Tools. Deselect "Display MSN Today when Messenger signs in" check box on General Tab.

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Saturday, 15. May 2004
Attaching large files

If you are finding it difficult to transfer larger files by email, try "". The hotmail account has a capacity of mere 2 MB while Yahoo has 4 MB. But you can't send a file as an attachment if the receiver's storage quota is already full!
You don't need to register to use the service. You can't send text messages (Only attachments!). You may need to send a separate mail asking the user to pick up the file by clicking on the link. The service is secure and worth trying.
If you instead need a more robust and systematic service, try dropload.
You will have to register to use this service. Files are removed from the system after 48 hours, regardless if they have been picked up or not.

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Thursday, 13. May 2004
Blogger getting better

After the Google's takeover of Blogger, for the first time Blogger has made a major revamp. Now offers much awaited feature 'comments' , accompanying it , is a wonderful feature 'profiles' which also offers a basic social networking tool. For example if I mention 'mumbai' as my location, I can find other bloggers from mumbai ; similarly I can find people with similar interest and likings. Using Mail-to-blogger you can now send the post via email. You can check the all new blogger at

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Wednesday, 21. April 2004
Six Shortcuts to Remember

1) My Documents toolbar on the Task Bar
Right Click on the task bar and choose "New Toolbar" from "Toolbars" option.
You can create a toolbar to access My Documents or any other folder.
2) Just Delete
Right Click on Recycle bin to choose properties. Deselect the check box next to Display confirmation.
3) Quick launch toolbar
It can be customized so that you have easy access to frequently used applications.
4) WinZip
Add the name deepak and Registration code BBDE061A
5) Create Shortcuts
Right click anywhere on the page and choose "Create Shortcut" option.
6) Show Full Menus
Right click on a toolbar in word or excel and choose Customize. Select "Always show full menus" option.

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Date format

I am fed up with the two standards of writing a date. When will we people in the world start thinking the world as a global village? For last several years I am using Mail Merge function to create TDS certificates. This year when I used the latest version of office, I noticed that when I merge a date field from excel to word, it automatically changes from dd/mm/yy to mm/dd/yy format. I have already changed the country setting to UK.
(Start - Settings - Control Panel - Regional Options - General and Date Tab)
I tried a lot of options like Tools - options, Insert - date, Format –field. But I could not change the merged field format from mm/dd/yy to dd/mm/yy. Finally here is how I managed it.
1) Right click on the field and choose "Edit Fields..."
2) Click on Field Codes
3) You will see the line something like this: MERGEFIELD Issue_Date You have to add the date format like this: \@ "dd/MM/yyyy"

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Tuesday, 20. April 2004
You too yahoo!!??

I was checking my Yahoo mail today from a cafe. I have never complained about the ads. Everyone (other than me) has a child to feed, I said. But look ma! mouseover ads!? I passed my mouse over the ad mistakenly. I was actually trying to click the word "calendar". And guess what, there was a 2 inch drop down ad. Yahoo has recently declared good financial results. Millions of people try to learn, how to use Yahoo. It was disappointing to see that Yahoo was trying to introduce nonstandard ad ideas to please its advertisers. A move that might prove to be costly in the long run.

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Friday, 16. April 2004
My Philosophy!

I was just looking for some interesting articles to read on the net when I saw this banner on Morgan Stanley website. It says "One client at a time". No wonder! I am following this philosophy for last several years!!
Morgan Stanley banner

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Thursday, 15. April 2004
So why is RSS better?

I like to describe email as a "PUSH" technology in which, at the prescribed moment, we massively push forward thousands of messages, hoping they get to the correct mailboxes and are, in due time, read by the intended recipient. RSS, on the other hand, is a "PULL" technology in which the reader is notified by his RSS reader that a new issue is ready, then the issue can be read whenever desired. No email problems are incurred, no email address changes are necessary, and, in fact no email address is even required. That alone makes RSS very appealing due to spam and privacy concerns.

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