Thanks to
Thursday, 24. October 2002
Mailmerge Macro

How do I create a macro that will automatically complete the mailmerge process?

Copy and paste the following code in Notepad.
Save the file as "mailmerge.vbs" (With quotes)
Run the file when you want the master.doc file to pick up the data from a file and output the data to output.doc file. The name and location of the data file should be inbuilt into master.doc file.

All these three files must be present on e: drive. (Or any other location you choose)

Set objWord= CreateObject("Word.Application")
strFilePath ="e:"
objWord.Application.Visible = True
Set objWordDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(strFilePath & "\" & strFile,,True)
Set objWordDocMailMerge = objWordDoc.MailMerge
objWordDocMailMerge.Execute True
Set docDest = objWord.ActiveDocument
docDest.SaveAs strFilePath & "\" & strFileDest

If you want to close all the files and quit word then add the following lines..
docDest.Close False
objWordDoc.Close False
Set objWord= Nothing

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Saturday, 19. October 2002
Avoid spam and get organized with

I had mentioned a few ways to avoid junk mail in my article
There is a better way of dealing with the junk mail. You can create temporary, use and throw type of e-mail addresses. For e.g. whenever a site ask for my e-mail address and I don't want to disclose my true yahoo e-mail address, What I do is, simply create a new one on the fly! If the site name is, I tell it that my e-mail is,
Now when they send me an e-mail, I receive it in my yahoo inbox. If I find that it's a junk mail, I simply login to and forward my newly created e-mail to or something like that.
This method is better than blocking the sender's e-mail address, because spammers often change their "from" e-mail address.
Once you register with you can create as many e-mail addresses as you want! All e-mail addresses will be forwarded to your true email account. If you don't want one of those addresses, simply forward it to somewhere else!
This site does not only help you to fight spam but it's a great tool to get organized. So what are you waiting for? start today!

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Friday, 18. October 2002
Forget, Forgive and farther!

There is so much discomfit, pain, anguish in the day to day life, that it's hard to maintain and improve the relationship with other people. I am ready to forget all that anguish and hatred I had to suffer in the past due to spoiled relations provided all of those people and things get out of my life. That's the only way to forget. You can't forgive unless you forget. And you can't forget unless you farther or distance yourself from those objects.

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Tuesday, 15. October 2002
Don't AskMe one of the best and free service will be shut from November 25. This website was listed in the "Top 10" list on my website for the last 1 year.
A great loss to the Internet Community.

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Wednesday, 2. October 2002
My Amazon Wishlist

Everyone is planning the purchase. Here is my amazon wishlist if in case any one cares. :)

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Find out color and width of the site

If you like the particular color on the screen and want to use it for your website, you will need to know the name of the color. Here are the tools those tell you more than just a name of the color.
You can download EyeDropper from this site which you can use to find out the color name of the current location on any website.
Perfect tool for web designers. It's small, it's fast, and it's very useful! With DotColor you can zoom any area of the screen, you can examine the color of the pixels under cursor, you can even copy part of the screen on the
clipboard. If you ever wanted to know how your HTML page looks on a different background, you can try this with color mixer and change certain pixels on your screen to a different color!

Screen Ruler
This Screen Ruler is a great tool that allows you to accurately measure anything on your screen. Screen Ruler can display Pixels, Inches, Picas or Centimeters.
Screen Calipers
The Screen Calipers resemble real life calipers in both form and function. The Screen Calipers can be used with any program where fast and accurate measurements are required.
Cool Ruler
Not free and difficult to use.

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Monday, 30. September 2002
Hiding a file

You may need to hide a file to save it from accidentally modified or deleted. Right click on the file and select the hidden check box.

Now if you want to see the file, choose View - Folder Options - View Tab - Hidden files - Show all files. You will now see the hidden file once you refresh the screen. You can now right click again on the file in question and change it's status back to normal.

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Sunday, 29. September 2002
anchors in CSS explained

The CSS code of my weblog is as follows:

a {text-decoration: none;}
a:link {color: #FF3300;}
a:visited {color: #FF3300;}
a:hover {
background-color: #FF3300;
color: #FFFFFF;
a:active {color: #FF0000;}

Well, what does it mean?
There is no text decoration applied to the links.
Link color is red.
Visited color is red again.
Active color is red but in different shade.
Hover color is white with red background.

Remember, LVHA (Link, Visited, Hover, Active). Any other sequence may become problematic.

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Tuesday, 24. September 2002
Guess What?

Internet is full of surprises. After the attack on World Trade Center everyone said, "I had never thought such a thing would happen." Well, who had thought you could chat for free with your friends abroad? Who had thought all the information on the earth will be available on the click of a mouse? Both, good and bad things happen unexpectedly. You need to be prepared for it!
A lot of people think I am an Internet Expert. They ask me what's next? One of the share brokers, when asked for the good stocks had said, "If I knew which stocks to pick, I wouldn't be working as a consultant!"
As the Us defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld while answering to the question of invading Iraq said, "There are three kinds of issues here... the issue of what we know... the issue of what we don't know... the issue of what we don't know we don't know."
If I know what's next, it can't be called a surprise.
Right? And let me repeat, Internet is full of surprises. Be prepared!

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Monday, 23. September 2002
Startup Disk and Registry backup

When your computer is working smooth..
a) Startup Disk
Everyone of us has experienced the frustration if the computer won't start. This problem is more difficult to handle than software related problems. The easiest way to make sure your computer 'starts' every morning is to create a bootable install disk.
Go to Start | Settings | Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs and choose the Startup Disk tab (should be the last tab). Just insert a blank floppy in the floppy drive and click 'Create disk'. Once you have created your boot disk, just put it in your computer if it starts acting up.

b) Backup Registry
It's a good practice to backup your registry setting if in case...
Start - Run - regedit
From Registry Menu choose Export Registry File...
Save the file somewhere on the hard drive. Next time if you think there is some problem with the regisry, double click on this file.
Remember - A Stitch in Time Saves Nine.

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