Thanks to
Saturday, 17. January 2004

url2bmp draws a web page on a virtual screen. It is much better than using Alt+ print Screen key combination or using any other third party software.

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Friday, 16. January 2004
RSS Reader

I just found another reason to use a RSS reader instead of regular website. Some of the sites use CSS to reduce the font size. I find it better to read it in a RSS reader with regular and consistent font size. RSS admirers, you have one more reason to cheer!

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Thursday, 15. January 2004
Check spelling mistakes

The visual speller will crawl a web site checking for and highlighting any textual content for spelling mistakes. Once you bring up a web site clicking on any subsequent links will view that page via the visual speller making it extremely simple to navigate to all ends of a web site.

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Tuesday, 6. January 2004
PowerPoint File Size

PowerPoint 2002 provides new feature – picture compression. You can compress one or all
photographs in a presentation to reduce the final size of the PowerPoint file.

  1. Right-click any picture and choose Format | Picture.
  2. Choose the Picture tab in the resultant tabbed dialog box and click the ‘Compress’ button.
  3. Change the resolution to Web/Screen and choose to apply to all pictures in the document (presentation). Click ‘OK’ and then ‘Apply’ to the next dialog box. Click OK again.
  4. Resave the presentation.

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Word Error

There is a test you can use to see if an Add-in is actually your problem. Try starting Word using the /a switch that will stop any add-ins from being loaded. If this solves your error problem, you know it's an add-in causing the trouble.

  • Click Start > Run
  • In the Run dialog box, type this: winword.exe /a (note the space after exe and before the /a switch)
  • Hit the Enter key

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Monday, 5. January 2004
SendTo FTP

SendTo FTP is an easy-to-use file transfer program for sending files from your local PC to a remote host. Select the files, click right mouse button and choose SendTo FTP in Send To submenu. When use SendTo FTP for the first time, fill in the hostname, address, username and password. The last used details will be save in Windows Registry. The second time you use it, only thing to do is press OK. You can either save the file in the root directory or any subdirectory. Hold down Ctrl or Shift key to select more than one file (max 10).

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Saturday, 3. January 2004
Good times are ahead

Or behind?
Because they sure aren't here.

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Friday, 2. January 2004
Best of the Web

I have just written an article about "Top 20 websites in 8 categories".
You will be surprised to find some of the less known sites next to gorillas.

  1. tinyurl is a URL forwarding service.
  2. cgiscriptshop by Ioannis Livassov host one of the best MYsql Database front end.
  3. will help you to organize your data.
  4. blogger may not be a surprise but is a blogging tool with RSS feeds.
  5. is nothing but an open e-mail.
  6. watchthatpage will watch and notify you whenever your favorite web pages change.

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Email without a password

What is the "Open Email System"?
As per the greek philosophy, The God takes birth in our minds first and then in the idol.
Ok. what's up?
Registering a new email address with Yahoo or hotmail is fairly easy. But how about creating an email address just by thinking about it? If your name is Amar, you can have an email something like this...
Think of any username and add next to it.
What is my password?
There is no password. You can check the email the way you check any other website. The last 10 emails sent to are available at
What about security?
Security exist only in your imagination.
Can I forward, reply or delete a mail?
You can not forward or reply. There is no need to delete it since only the last 10 mails are saved on the server.

It seems to be a useless idea. How can I use it?
There are a lot of emails one receives those are not private in nature. For e.g. Newsletter from a site, Google Alerts, greeting cards, jokes etc. You don't mind if you miss such emails. While you subscribe for such services, use your email address. Don't create one more fake email address for such purpose. If you do so, You will need to remember one more password, check frequently to keep it alive and it will also mess up with your friends list in your messenger.

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Wednesday, 31. December 2003
Happy New Year

Wishing you a year full of trustfulness and happiness.

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