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Web based Feed Reader
My new mantra is working Online All the Time. I have stopped using all the softwares those I need to download and install. The list includes Msoffice and my favorite feed readers like "Feed Reader" and "Awasu". I have found out the web based alternative like SNARF! ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Function Exists
Unsure whether your PHP web server has the required functions installed to run a particular script? If so, use the function_exists() function to check. For example, if I wanted to see if the fopen function existed with my PHP build, I would use the following code: (?php echo function_exists("fopen"); // Outputs 1 if exists ?) ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Private website!
You don't need to learn complex password protection using JavaScript or PHP. If you want to access the confidential information and if you are accessing it from a particular location that has a static IP address, then the life can be much easy. I access the net from my home. I have an IP address I found it out by googling "what is my IP address?" This IP doesn't change. If you are using dial up then the next time when you connect to your ISP, it will allocate you a new IP. In that case this tip won't work. The script (change the ( with <) will deny access to all except the one mentioned above to the directory and sub directories below it.If my IP address is shared by more than one computer (and that is possible since unique IP is very costly)then all those computers have access to the directory. This limitation is actually a blessing for small and medium size companies. Since everyone in the company is using the company network that has a single unique IP address, you can make information available to everyone in your company without providing access to the world. Thus you can create an ultra user friendly protected directories or site without writing a single line of code! ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
One more JavaScript tip
Well, here's a cool tip to disable the ability to select text on a page. (BODY onselectstart="return false") Then check out your page. You will see that you can't drag across the text to highlight it. This will help you if you don't want the users to copy the text from your website. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
register globals in PHP
Create a file with the following code in it. <?php Save it on your server and access it through a browser. Configuration Directive Local Value Master Value Master value is the value set in php.ini. php_flag register_globals on Now next time you can access variable just by printing it to the browser.. print $username; ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Better Form submission
To add a helpful function to your form, you can include a contact email form that would submit an email to Manager with a subject line that starts with "Product Questions." (?php // Set the from address from the form // Set the to address // Prepend Product Questions to the submitted subject value // Append the user's IP address to the message // Send the email ?) ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Internet Explorer 5.0 introduced a feature called AutoComplete. AutoComplete helps users to fill our forms by providing a pick list of previously entered values for similar form names. The Autocomplete feature can be disabled by using the "off" attribute as demonstrated below: ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
PHP Print Magic
PHP Print Magic But if you want to save multiple lines, use the following code. $text = << The "<<<" convention can also be used to assign blocks to print. print (three <<<)A print (three <<<)A should have no white space before or after A otherwise you will get an error. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
PHP Magic
Q. The two tagas <?php and ?> will process the code and send the output to the browser. But what if you need to process the code within PHP? ?php ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
What is SQL?
I think we can now move on and learn the next BIG thing in the world of Database, called SQL. Structured Query Language is the heart of database. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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