Thanks to custom domain

How do I create a CNAME record for my custom domain to point to blogger blog if domain is hosted at

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Open the Domains tab and select My Domain Names. You'll be directed to the Manage Domains page.
  3. Click the domain that you'd like to use with your blog.
  4. Click the Total DNS Control And MX Records in the box entitled Total DNS Control.
  5. Click Add New CNAME Record. If you've already created a CNAME record for your blog's address, click Edit next to the existing CNAME record.
  6. For the Name, enter only the subdomain of the address you want to use for your blog. For example, if you picked as your address, enter www here.
  7. Enter as the Host Name.
  8. Click Continue, and then click Add. If you're editing an existing CNAME record, click Continue and Update.

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Info on Mobile phones

4Info is different, because it relies on texting -- a user texts 4Info with search queries, and 4info sends back results.

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Quick access to medical calculations

MDCalc is quick access to all those medical calculations that are too painful to memorize, and too useful to ignore. After wasting time hunting through Google results to find the equations I needed, I created this site as a respository.
Start spending more time diagnosing, and less time dividing.

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Watch live TV broadcasts on your PC. TVU networks uses P2P technology to broadcast TV programs live over the Web. The service is based on a number of patent-pending technologies, covering high-quality video coding, efficient real-time P2P distribution, and effective digital rights management.

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Color Palette Generator

Enter the URL of an image to get a color palette that matches the image. This is useful for coming up with a website color palette that matches a key image a client wants to work with.

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Flash Paint

Do you want to draw?
This site does not only allow you to draw and display your drawing skills, it even records your brush strokes so that others can learn from it.

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Baby Center dot com
Register yourself with an email address and get info on baby care!

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Yahoo Alerts

Yahoo can alert you whenever I add an entry to my blog.

1) Visit the site:
2) Click on Feed / Blog and type the following URL
3) Select the option, as they happen and select the option called "Messenger" as an option.
4) Now save the alert.

Whenever, I add an entry to my blog, you will get an alert in your Yahoo Messenger.

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form style?

some browsers treat the start and end form tags as if they are paragraph (p) markers and insert an extra line feed between the form end tag and the td end tag that immediately follows it. That is, some browsers treat the form as a block-level element and others as an inline element. To workaround the issue you can either specifically declare form as a inline element:

form style="display:inline"

or set the margin of the form to 0:

form style="margin:0"

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Yahoo Photo RSS feed

Type the search criteria, for e.g. salman khan
You will see his latest photos. (Yes, the first one is with the police!) Now click on orange XML button the righ and add this feed to your blogroll. Now you will see his images whenever it appears on the net.

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