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Silence of the Foxes

This simple Firefox tool lets you create custom Firefox installers which you can use to deploy Firefox’s preconfigured settings and add-ons.

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Gmail in Firefox

You can set Gmail as Default Email Client in Firefox

* go to Tools > Options
* select the Applications tab
* search for mail
* select Use Gmail from the list of actions associated with the mailto protocol
* click OK to save the settings.

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base and MySQL connectivity

To get started with the JDBC Driver for MySQL (Connector/J), download it from MySQL's Web site, unpack the downloaded file, and move the resulting mysql-connector-java-x.x.x-bin.jar file into the desired location (e.g. your home directory). In, choose Tools -> Options -> Java. Make sure that the appropriate Java Runtime Environment is selected and click the Class Path button. Next, click the Add Archive button and select mysql-connector-java-x.x.x-bin.jar. Click OK to save the settings and close the window, then restart

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More About Calc

1) Edit - Changes - Record
This option helps you to track changes being made to your spreadsheet.

2) Edit - Compare Document
Compare different versions of the same document.

3) File - Versions
Create versions.

4) Calc and Excel use different default number formats. With Excel, the cells are set to the “General” category number format., so if you entered 25.12345 in a cell it would display “25.12345”. In Calc a default formatted cell is set to the “Number” category in the “General” format. Thus, if 25.12345 is entered, 25.12 will be displayed.

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Calc Shortcut keys

Ctrl + F8 - Highlights cells containing numeric values and formulas (not text)
F11 Opens the Styles and Formatting window
Shift+F11 Creates a document template
Shift+Ctrl+F11 Updates the templates
Alt+Down Arrow Increases the height of current row
Alt+Up Arrow Decreases the height of current row
Alt+Right Arrow Increases the width of the current column
Alt+Left Arrow Decreases the width of the current column
Alt+Shift+Arrow Key Optimizes the column width or row height based on the current cell
Alt+Enter (Alt+Shift+Enter also applies the cell format) Enter into all currently selected cells

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Format Zip Code

Calc Tip: Format The Zip Code Column For Five Digits Zip Codes

1. Right-click on the top of the Zip Code column. (A menu appears).
2. Click Format Cells (The 'Format Cells" window appears)
3. Click the Numbers tab.
4. Under Category, select Number.
5. Under Format, select General.
6. In the Leading zeros box, increase the number 1 to a 5.
7. Click OK. (A zero appears at the beginning of the "01111" zip code).

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