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processor info
Gather information about the processor. This is easily done as follows: # cat /proc/cpuinfo So, if I have purchased a dual processor quad-core server, I can run: # cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l I would then expect to see 8 as the value. If I don't, I call up the vendor and tell them to send me another processor. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Unix cheatsheets
Cheat sheet act as a reference tool which provides cut and paste kind of commands to complete a specific task. I often recommend following set of best cheat sheets to students and IT professionals. It include Linux / UNIX command and shell scripting. Read more: Top 10 Best Cheat Sheets and Tutorials for Linux / UNIX Commands ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
compress and send
scp is the standard command to copy a folder or files. You can also compress the files before sending it as shown below. In this test I am using a folder with 4 files of 3.5 MB size. The time is reduced to 5 seconds from 40 seconds. # time scp /root/shantanu/* root@ real 0m39.844s # time tar zcf - shantanu | ssh "cd /root/shantanu/; tar zpxvf -" real 0m5.326s If you type the full path to the folder /root/shantanu/ then a new folder in the destination folder will be created with the same path. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Improve the bash history
If you use two bash sessions at the same time, which ever you close second will write over the commands you’ve typed in the first one. That means that your history is lost for one of the sessions. Annoying to say the least. Luckily there is a way to fix this. Open your .bashrc file as detailed above and add the lines:
shopt -s histappend This will append any new history to the existing file rather than rewriting it, as well as adding to the history every time the prompt is shown. Now, all your history will be saved! If you want to know the date when the command was executed... $ HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d/%m/%y %T " ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Linux Screen command
Login to the colleagues machine as a root user and type... Ask him to use -x parameter like... Now both of you are using the same window and see / learn each others' commands. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
History Searches
Often the command you need is in your history, how do you find it? One simple method is to run the history command and pipe it through grep. $ history | grep cat You can then run the command by typing ! and the history line number: $ !110 ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
manipulating commands using keyboard maps
The inputrc file handles keyboard mapping for specific situations. This file is the startup file used by Readline — the input-related library — used by Bash and most other shells. suppose you want to run a command witha specific keystroke eg : ctl+e to give the out put ls -la now try to do a control +e and theout put on the screen will be a ls -la ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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