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## getting started # git log ## branching out ## add shortcuts ## plumbing commands ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Managing top
While the output of the top command displayed, press F, which will display all fields available for sorting, press n (which is for sorting the processes by Memory) and press enter. press c, which will display full pathname of running processes press 1 (number one), which will display the performance data of the individual CPUs. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Know more about your server
You can get information about the make, model and serial number of the equipment as shown below: What is the maximum RAM supported by the system? Currently installed RAM Memory slots occupied // know more about running processes ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Git Alias
Consider setting up a simple Git alias for common but complex Git command that you type frequently. git config --global 'log --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline' ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
git alias
Add the following to the .gitconfig file in your $HOME directory. [alias] ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Sending file attachments
Here is a quick way to send files from any server where mutt is installed. echo "Attaching a file " | mutt -s "file attachment" -a /root/somefile.txt -- ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
correcting date
A few packages are dependent upon the server time. If the date is incorretly set, it will throw an exception as shown below. # s3cmd ls /sbin/ntpdate Afer updating the date using ntpdate command, the s3cmd command started working as expected. # date command can also be used ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
managing crons
We can use logger command in a crontab. 59 23 * * * /home/john/bin/ > /home/john/logs/backup.log | logger -t backup 2>&1 It is also possible to skip the standard error and let mailto send you the errors: ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Install latest mysql
Set up git: yum install git-core Contents of the file "" should be copied to gitHub site. This will allow passwordless access to github site: Global setup: git config --global "Shantanu Oak" Next steps: mkdir syllabalize_unicode Existing Git Repo? cd existing_git_repo clone (download) the source Install MySQL mkdir download The commands are as follows: rpm -iUh * After installing mysql shared compact library, this was working as expected wget _____ Here is how it can be achieved using remi or epel /usr/bin/wget Using epel: wget ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
SSH Tunneling
shantanu oak
Tunneling an ssh connection through an ssh connection is completely lawful, but you need to pick unused ports for your forwarding listeners. ssh user@ -L 2201: then You should end up on server B (unless something's already bound to local:2201, in which case, pick another port). There are times when you need to connect to a remote server through some other server. You can skip logging to an intermediate server and connect directly to remote server using SSH like this... ssh -t -t root@ "ssh -i /root/remote_server.pem" ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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