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Google Adds Operator to Search for Synonyms
Google has just introduced a new operator to search for synonyms. You use it by adding a tilde (~). If you search for "friend" google will look only for the word friend. What if you want google to also consider "friends" and "friendship" and similar words? type ~friend instead of only friend. That's it. Yes, sometimes life is really that simple! ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Google launched News Alerts
Google News Alerts are sent by email when news articles appear online that match the topics you specify. There are limits. It doesn't appear that you can edit an alert, either the query itself or the address to which it goes. Instead you'll need to delete the alert and start over with the new one. (Each alert e-mail comes with instructions for deleting that alert.) You may have a maximum of fifty alerts per e-mail address.
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Google Grind
I noticed a few minutes back (2nd August 03 at 2:00 A. M.) that when I type I am automatically taken to site. It means google has finally set up an office in India and probably have staff too! (Other than Google robot). But now (after an hour) when I go to I am not redirected, instead I have an link to "Go to Google Australia" on the google home page! Why should I go to Australia to search for Indian Curry? Funny! ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Google Toolbar
Google introduced several new gadgets in its popular toolbar for Web browsers on Thursday, June 26, 2003 that lets people block pop-up ads and easily update their blogs as they surf the Web. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Google keyword limit
Googling for a keyword is easy. Type "saddam Husain" and click on search. But what if you want to find what does the sites like cnn or bbc say about saddam? Each of them have their own search facility. But I don't have time to use the sites' search one by one. So I type Saddam Husain OR OR OR OR to find more info only from those sources. Google, unfortunately, doesn't let you construct queries that are longer than 10 words long, which means that you can't search more than 9 sites at a time. Yahoo and All The Web both support searching through as many sites as you want. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
google v/s yahoo
Here are a few reasons...
There are some reviews those say that google name itself has helped to create the brand. I don't agree. I have seen many people typing the wrong spelling to reach to google. for e.g., Thus the "confusing name" is the weak point of google. Now Yahoo has refrained it's search to take on google. It has introduced a new Yahoo! search on April 8, 2003. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Google bloggle?
Google has bought Pyra Labs. Pyra Labs is the creator of the Blogger software and runs the and services. In weblog fashion, founder Evan Williams reported the news on his weblog in the middle of the Live from the Blogosphere event. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
07:39h ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Google Update
Google has updated its index today for the month of January. It's call "Google Dance". You see different results on and during this process of few hours. I am happy that my site does not show up when you search for "advance unix commands". As I have removed those pages. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
you too, Google?
When you update information on your site it does not automatically update instantly in Google's index. Rather, Google's index is updated approximately once a month. Here are a few webmasters around the world have to say about this process..
Google indexes over 2 billion URLs on each crawl now, so it updates once a month and it can take from one to eight weeks to get listed if you have links from other sites that are already in Google. Simply "not expectable". I will like to see the latest information instead of browsing through the Google Cache. I have updated my website around 15 days back and even today if I type shantanu oak in the Google search, I am getting the cached pages from my old site! ... Link (1 comment) ... Comment |
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