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Thursday, 24. February 2005
Customize Sound in firefox

When you are looking for text in a web page using Firefox's Find as You Type feature, it will play a sound when the text entered can't be found. To deactivate this, enter about:config in the location bar. A list of all preferences will be shown. Look for preference "accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound". You can find it faster by typing a few characters in the Filter text box, for example "sound". Double click on the preference and its value will change to "false".

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Friday, 21. January 2005
Limiting scroll area in Excel

To set the Scroll Area range, click the Properties icon from the Control Toolbox toolbar. In the Scroll Area text box, type the scroll area range.
(To cancel the Scroll Area restricted range, clear the Scroll Area text box.)
Note: You cannot add two Scroll Areas to the Scroll Area text box.

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Tuesday, 18. January 2005
CSS in forms

You can make the submit button of your form more intuitive. Add the following code to your CSS.


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Tuesday, 14. December 2004
My Business logic

Tom: "This is really good. You could probably make some money off this someday."
Myself: "Maybe, but I'm not going to. I'm giving it away for free."
Tom: "Why would you do that?"
Myself: "Because I can't afford to sell it!"

Now if you can see a point here....

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Saturday, 11. December 2004
It's your choice, mam

Choice, you see, is a funny thing - like the vote. Provide people with the right to choose, and they often won't elect to use it. But try and take away that right, and sooner or later the mobs show up at your door.

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Friday, 10. December 2004
Gmail Groups

Although Gmail doesn't currently support Groups in your Contacts, you can simulate a Group list by doing the following:

1. Create a new Contact
2. In the "Name" field, enter the name of your Group (eg "My Friends")
3. In the "E-mail" field, enter your list of email addresses in the following format:>,,

Note three things:

1. You must enter ">,<" (without the quotes) between all addresses
2. Be sure NOT to include a leading "<" or trainling ">". This is intentional, because during auto-complete, Gmail adds these characters to the beginning and end of the full string that is in the e-mail field.
3. Also, there should be no spaces in the string.

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Wednesday, 1. December 2004

Just noticed that Yahoo has increased the disk space to 250 MB from 100 MB.

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Google Offers Google Scholar

Google has released a new search tool for academic content called Google Scholar. It's in beta, it's got its own syntax, and it is available at .

You may search for a keyword or an author, using the author: syntax. The trouble with this search, however, is that some things that are indexed are citations, some of them are PDFs, and some of them are books, so you may have to use very general searches in addition to narrowed down searches because the amount of what is being indexed for each item varies so much.

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Thursday, 25. November 2004
Text Searchable Tiff Images

If you have Office XP and Office 2003 you can create Text Searchable Tiff images for Free. Microsoft's Document Imaging is a component of Microsoft's Office XP Suite that allows for the creation of Text Searchable Tiff images. Although it is included with Office XP and Office 2003 it does not automatically install as part of the basic installation. This is an important feature that many people are not aware of and it can be used with a copier that has a scan option.

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Friday, 29. October 2004
got it?

I hear a lot of people saying...
I don't get blogging.
I just don't get wikis.
What does it mean is...
I just don't want people using powerful tools.
I don't delegate or communicate.
I don't get "Knowledge" being treated as if it's free and accessible and not as a commodity that can be bought and sold on the market like any other object of exchange!

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